번역: Vomitorial 구축. Humen 플래터 메뉴.
번역: Vomitorial 구축. 외과 Disgorgement.
번역: Vomitorial 구축. 를 설정.
번역: Vomitorial 구축. 암 Pustulosus의 건강에 좋지 못한 대장 출혈 그리고 복부 농양 배출 O를 늪지대.
번역: Vomitorial 구축. 의 Stenching Putrefacation 중이 Carcassile 그리고 침식 내부 창자를 Crepitated.
번역: Vomitorial 구축. 그리스도를 설정.
Abolishment of belial and demons! Eradication of satan! Dispose of malevolent existence! Abolishment of belial and demons!
Blunged To Death For Your Belief Blunged To Death For Your Belief Blunged To Death For Your Belief Blunged To Death For Your Belief In Christ.
Cursed is the one who trusts in humanity, and makes flesh their strength. They shall be like a shrub in the desert. Blessed is the one who trusts in
Grab Your Partner Dance For JESUS Hill Billy People!
The Kingdom Of GOD Is At Hand! Repent And Believe In The Gospel The Kingdom Of GOD IS Coming! Repent And Believe In The Gospel The Kingdom Of GOD Is
Death comes quick!... But life in Christ is eternal!
Eternal Paradise Everlasting Life Eternal Paradise In CHRIST!
Festering muck of secretified flesh effluvium maturation insalubriness mess grotesque gurgulation of sepsis emeticosus sanies manifesting deeds of the
Defleshed, bashed, struck senceless To the point of difigurment Spikes were forced into Jesus's head They defleshed the flesh off Jesus's back By flogging
First You Suffer Then You Die Condemed To Hell You Will Fry!!!
Hemorrhaging, festering, discharge of puss Disfunctional paralysing sickness of the bowel Rotting of internal and intestinal tract Stenching putrefaction