(Vinnie Vincent) Rain on me baby mean mistreater lover You got me branded by your love iron With a love and affection I keep praying For your desire Sweet
Someone has taken your love, it's true isn't it? It's not just talk that I hear And when I see him build his wall around you I know the end is near Tell
(Vinnie Vincent) Hey little kitten purr for me Pour your loving all over me Tonight our love is high and free Let your fire burn shamelessly Meltdown
(Vinnie Vincent) We go it alone on the edge of the night There's no reward, no ending in sight Sweet destiny, she's waiting for me I'll find her walking
(Vinnie Vincent) So long since I've waited To live again You've brought my world to an end Love takes its victim and leaves its remains My broken heart
(Vinnie Vincent) She's the kind of girl that I love to love The angels sacred mystery Heaven sent from up above She's a living fantasy Poetry in motion
(Vinnie Vincent) Burn little star our time is here Yeah, I got my wheels of fire shifting into gear I'm an easy rider looking for somebody new I'm a hot
(Vinnie Vincent) You belong to me beautiful dreamer You are the only one my heart is beating for And somewhere out there I know you're Waiting for me
(Vinnie Vincent) Hey metal leather cathouse queen Love sugar she's dynamite Hot little pistol, living dream A bad misses she's skin tight No, she's never
(Vinnie Vincent) Heavy metal cry heard around the world Rebel yell we shout out loud We got your rock--we'll guard your soul We're the law and we lay
(Vinnie Vincent) I wanna stay girl it hurts I know But the time has come to find my dreams of glory It hasn't been easy babe--hard times we know But I
번역: 비니 빈센트 상륙 작전. 스타 Spangled 배너.
번역: 비니 빈센트 상륙 작전. Ecstacy.
번역: 비니 빈센트 상륙 작전. 화상.
번역: 비니 빈센트 상륙 작전. 깊이 깊이.
번역: 비니 빈센트 상륙 작전. 히비 Pettin '.
번역: 비니 빈센트 상륙 작전. 더티 리듬.
번역: 비니 빈센트 상륙 작전. 구 자유 록.