and mourn all on his grave For a twelve months and a day And when twelve months and a day was passed The ghost did rise and speak Why sittest thou all on my grave
never had but one true love In cold grave she was lain Oh I adored my sweetest love As any young man may So I'll sit and weep upon her grave For twelve
I am stretched on your grave, and you'll find me there always, If I had bounty of your arms I should never leave you. Little apple, my beloved, it is
had but one true love In greenwood he lies slain I'll do so much for my true love As any young girl may I'll sit and mourn all on your grave For twelve
and mourn all on her grave, A twelve month and a day. The twelve month and a day been gone, A voice spoke from the deep. \"Who is it sits all on my grave
on his grave, For twelve months and a day. And when twelve months and a day was passed, The ghost did rise and speak, "Why sittest thou all on my grave
번역: 조안 바에 즈. Unquiet 그레이브 (어린이 번호 78).
번역: 아일랜드어 Folksongs. Unquiet 묘.
번역: 알 수없는. Unquiet 묘.
his grave, For twelve months and a day. And when twelve months and a day was passed, The ghost did rise and speak, "Why sittest thou all on my grave
never had but one true love, In cold grave he is lain. I'd do as much for my true love As any young girl may; I'd sit and mourn all on his grave For
one true love, And she in the cold grave has lain." I'll do as much for my true love As any young man may; I'll sit and mourn all on her grave For a
never had but one true love In greenwood he lies slain I'll do so much for my true love As any young girl may I'll sit and mourn all on your grave For
my own true love is only one and she in the grave has lain ah weep your tear and make a moan as many a lover may and sit and grieve upon her grave for