friend, his name was Frank He walked on the water and Lord he sank We used to go stag, now he's got a hag It looks like Frank's got a brand new bag
friend, his name was Frank He walked on the water and lord he sank We used to go stag, now he's got a hag It looks like Frank's got a new bag That woman
번역: , 톰 웨이츠. 프랭크 노래.
down in E. St. Louis On the Kansas City line and I drunk up all my money that I borrowed every time and I fell down at the derby and now the night's black
down in E. St. Louis On the Kansas City line and I drunk up all my money that I borrowed every time and I fell down at the derby and now the night's
listening to my song that's a good sign So either you bought it, it's on the radio or your friend is sayin ha ha listen to this funny song That's fine
has to vomit. Phyllis: Frank said, "That's it, that's the opening of the line, that, that, I mean, that's the opening of the picture." I said, "Frank,
' up to my... Wait a minute! What's that you pullin' outa your mush? But she, she said... Wait a minute, I said what? Heh heh heh Napoleon says
be Tom Wilson's secretary . . . Ok . . . You remember Tom Wilson were gonna run for President? [6:51] Aynsley: You're Tom Wilson? Carl: Yeah. Aynsley