kaaladi por sorgam veru illai Thai mannai pol oru bhoomi illai, bhaaratham engalin swaasamae Thai Mannai Vanakkam........Thai Mannai Vanakkam.......
Mr Hartsy came over and asked, "What the heck's going on?" And both of them began to throw up all over the photos on the table Billy spilled his Pepsi
Old Judge Thayer take your shackle off of me; Old Judge Thayer, take your shackle off of me; Turn your key and set me free, Old Judge Thayer take your
Mister Heartson came over and asked What the heck's going on The both of them began to throw up All over the photos on the table Billy spilled his Pepsi
번역: 포기한 풀. 타이스 (음향).
번역: Nickatina, 앙드레. 초콜릿 타이어.
번역: Grandaddy. Hartsy 태국 음식에서 중독.
번역: Kazero. 타이어 나 나.
번역: 습기찬. 마이 웨이 아웃 (태국어 버전) : 본 당나라 티 찬 Luak.
번역: 알 수없는. 타이스.
Sleeping in sheets stained in their own blood Innocence splattered on their walls like bugs Parents long forgotten and friends are not an option In this
[feat. Tommy C, J.Reyez, Lil Crazed] I'll hit you BBM and tell you when my plane arrives You wanna be my girl even if it's for tonight You wanna take