: Wunderbar, wunderbar! FRED: What a perfect night for love. LILLI: Here am I, here you are, FRED: Why it's truly wunderbar! LILLI & FRED: Wunderbar, wunderbar
The world is a carousel of color, Wonderful, wonderful color. The world is a carousel of color, History, comedy, fantasy, There?s drama and mirth
She laughs like a child One who can't understand Why she lives her whole life With her head in her hands And she's always in pain That's what makes her
I should never have gone to the theater Then I'd never have come to the country If I never had come to the country Matters might have stayed as they were
Math is a wonderful thing Math is a really cool thing So, get of your act let's do some math Math, math, math, math, math Three minus four is? negetive
WIZARD I never asked for this Or planned it in advance I was merely blown here By the winds of chance I never saw myself As a Solomon or Socrates I