disinterested. she says, by the way, who we going to see? he says, don't you know, its the plain white t's. (man, i love those guys!) well i don't
번역: 플레인 화이트 T의. 키티 캣 셔츠.
seems disinterested. she says, by the way, who we going to see? he says, don't you know, its the plain white t's. (man, i love those guys!) well i don't
seems disinterested. she says, by the way, who we going to see? he says, don't you know, its the plain white t's. man, i love those guys! well i don't
disinterested. she says, by the way, who we going to see? he says, don't you know, its the plain white t's. man, i love those guys! well i don't know