번역: 포레스트 검프 사운드 트랙. 스콧 맥켄지 - 샌프란 시스코 (머리에 꽃을 착용해야합니다).
번역: 스콧 맥켄지. 샌프란 시스코.
번역: 스콧 맥켄지. 샌프란 시스코 (귀하의 하 꽃을 착용해야합니다.
번역: 스콧 맥켄지. 샌프란 시스코 (머리에 꽃을 착용해야합니다).
번역: 스콧 맥켄지. 올드 타임 영화처럼.
Scots what ha'e wi' Wallace bled (who have with) Scots wham Bruce has aften led (whom Bruce has often) Welcome tae yer gory bed Or to victory Now
will not be forgotten soon The fighting feild culloden, Prince Charlie was the man Of illusionary grandure with no head for command Cumberland with cannon fired on Scots
captain cries, and we must obey so farewell, farewell to Nova Scotia's charms for it's early in the mornin' and i'm far, far away farewell to Nova Scotia
of Scotland, Scots wha' ha'e Scots wha' ha'e, Scots wha' ha'e Screamin' from the Highlands, Scots wha' ha'e Scots wha' ha'e Scots! Wha' ha'e! Scots wha