I see angels, faces cold and gray Gods the enemy, hammering the nail (Hell and lower) Macabro expectaculo Macabro expectaculo Hate is all that's left
fin Dame tu mano, pongamosle fin al sufrir Y sabes de lo que soy capaz Tengo un complejo muy crudo y psicopata No lo hago por mi, sino por los dos Sera macabro
Dame tu mano, pongamosle fin al sufrir Y sabes de lo que soy capaz Tengo un complejo muy crudo y psicopata No lo hago por mi, sino por los dos Sera macabro
번역: 팬더. 그래서 Violento 그래서 Macabro.
una obsesion Quien muerde la tarde Mastica el cielo Y eructa el corazon Entre lobos y garras Yo me convierto En una odisea de amor Sacrosanto y macabro
"SzczA?A?cie... Niedowierzanie... SzaleA±stwo... PoA?A?danie..." Ratuj mnie bym rozumu nie straciA? powiedz A?e to nie sen tonA? w poA?A?daniu Zabierz
!!! ... all we shall burn by the bonfire !!! ... all we shall rise from the ashes... ... to the wind !!! Danza macabra - festin pagano ! Danza macabra
Fish seemed like a nice old man and people believed his lies But Albert was a child eating shark in disguise Albert was worse than any fish in the sea
You will die by surprise when I take your life I will smile John George Haigh was a vampire who drank old ladies blood then put them in a non-corrosive
Jeffrey Frequented The Bath House For A Lonely Guy So He Could Drug Their Drink And Have Them For The Night The Bath House The Bath House Clad In A
(Albert Fish) Fish seemed like a nice old man and people believed his lies, But Albert was a child eating shark in disguise. Albert was worse than any
Blood Bank Blood Bank Blood Bank Blood Bank Yeah Blood Bank Blood Bank Blood Bank Blood Bank Yeah With His Combat Medic Skills Jeff Got A Job At The
All that remains Of the man who was insane Inside of a jar Is Jeffrey Dahmer's brain Bbbrrraaaiiinnn Bbbrrraaaiiinnn His father wants to Burn the brain
Dahmer Was Assigned To Clean Up The Prison Working With Two Other Guys A Team Of Killers, One With A Blunt Object Would Soon End The Other Mens Lives
He'll be coming from Milwaukee When he comes He'll be coming to Chicago When he comes He'll be coming from Milwaukee Coming to Chicago Coming from Milwaukee