a feu Tue ton frere ! oh nom de dieu !! Peut-on me dire en comparaison Ou se situe l'evolution de la condition humaine depuis l'homme des cavernes ? La
peur, Ils tuent ton frere au nom de dieu. Peut-on me dire en comparaison ou se situe l?evolution de la condition humaine depuis l?homme des cavernes ?
Which come first, the chicken or the aig? Which come first, the chicken or the aig? How could somethin' so fat and burly Come from somethin' so smooth
Over prescribed under the mister We had survived to turn on the history channel And ask our esteemed panel why are we alive And here's how they replied
I don't care what they say I'm gonna keep it anyway I won't let them stretch their necks To see my little black egg with the little white specks
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If it were within, within our power Beyond the reach of slavish pride To no longer harbor grievances Behind the mask's opportunists facade We could welcome
With one wish we wake the will within wisdom With one will we wish the wisdom within waking Woken, wishing, willing
Severance The birds of leaving call to us Yet here we stand Endowed with the fear of flight Overland The winds of change consume the land While we remain
John Francis Dooley, wipe the sleep from your eyes And embrace the light You have slept now for a thousand years Beneath starless nights And now it's
Every time that we fly together Our plane blows up in the sky We're workin' in an explosives factory 'Cause we don't care if we die Everything, everything
How does it feel to be breakin' apart? Breakin' down molecules How does it feel to be out of control? Another ring around this ball Used to be alright
I was born the day they shot JFK The way you look at me, sucks me down the sidewalk Somebody please tell this machine I'm not a machine My hands are