For 24 hours on the Ivory Coast, They relieved soldiers from their post, And they gave champagne, for a toast, To pay dividends to the country's host.
Late at night with our sharpest eyes on, spot land on the horizon. There's something creeping in the dark. The sea swells crashing to the shallow
holidays the way you looked at me please wait for me... i'm coming back to you in portland i should have stayed back there with you on the coast of
For 24 hours on the Ivory Coast, They release soldiers from their post, They dedicate champagne, for a toast, They pay dividends to the country's host
번역: 상아. 메인 코스트.
번역: 썩은 냄새가 나는. 상아 해안.
번역: 유람 도박꾼. 코트 디부 아르의 저주.
: For 24 hours on the Ivory Coast, They release soldiers from their post, They dedicate champagne, for a toast, They pay dividends to the country's host
the holidays the way you looked at me please wait for me... i'm coming back to you in portland i should have stayed back there with you on the coast
Late at night with our sharpest eyes on, spot land on the horizon. There's something creeping in the dark. The sea swells crashing to the shallow but
Politique, la politique t as gate mon pays la cote d' ivoire mon beau pays pays d'hospitalite pays de fraternite mais les politiciens ont decide de te
: Politique, la politique t as gate mon pays la cote d' ivoire mon beau pays pays d'hospitalite pays de fraternite mais les politiciens ont decide de