tag with your Iguanondon And if we had dinosaurs Now could they get along with a horse and a cow? Well, I wish they hadn't become extinct Dinosaurs
if i had a dinosaur, just think what we could do. he could lift me off the floor and take me to the zoo. and if i had a dinosaur, just think what we
Ponders, yet you're undecided I sprinkle looks to let you know Pain is a wave, come on, let's ride it Jump on now or we'll have to row Now, while your
(girl) alkdlkjfweljo (boy) sfbkajfbakdjbf (girl) gbakjdbkabdfk (boy) You Cant be a dinosaur Dad you're Human (x4) aslkfhlqkhflqh (boy) adjbhakdfkajbf
번역: 공룡 주니어. 연못 송.
I've seen some mean and scary ordinary dinosaurs Beware of their ranting, listen to their panting and do not ignore The roar of their snorts, their tempers
S-A- U-R a Dinosaur D-I-N-O-S-A- U-R a dinosaur O-L-D M-A-N You're just an old man Hitting on me what? You need a cat scan Hey dinosaur baby your brain is frying hey dinosaur
: D-I-N-O-S-A You are a Dinosaur D-I-N-O-S-A You are a dinosaur O-L-D M-A-N You're just an old man Hitting on me what'ev You need a cat scan Oh man
번역: 대니얼 공룡. 베스파 송.