who stood up. Taxes are strong-armed robbery the collectors of taxes funnel the majority of funds to police and intuitions counter productive to spiritual advancement. Well taxes are stealing
Indians are not chinamen, some books contain lies. If man had evolved from apes, there would be no more apes. It has been said and written over and
one who stood up. Taxes are strong-armed robbery the collectors of taxes funnel the majority of funds to police and intuitions counter productive to spiritual advancement. Well taxes are stealing
facts Still you do not answer for 500 years of lies and sorrows War is good War is right Another mother cries tonight War is right War is fun Steal
A mind full of lies is a liars mind We moved ahead and left the truth behind. They say the truth will set you free, but they don't know their history
looks so nice. I feel her, and I ask you why. Who are you to dictate rights? Who are you, so full of lies? I am human, I'm alive! Who are you to
web of lies. Attorneys are the spiders and we are the flies. One to prosecute, one to defend. One to judge you, and in the end, 12 of your peers are