no lyrics just 71 seconds of silence for each year of johnny cash's life
Rosanne, baby come on It was a black Cadillac drove you away Everybody's talkin' But they don't have much to say There was a black sky of rain
My memory is filling with smoke it's such a relief not to know and except for the body and soul there's nothing here I want to own I gave my love and
The priest has been praying for your soul and the doctor for your heart does someone tell me how to live now that we must live apart and once we had
done My whole world fits inside the moment I saw you be reborn, God is in the roses, And that day was filled with roses God is in the roses And the
Headlights on a Texas Road And Hank Williams on the radio Church wedding, they spent all they had Now the deal is done to become Mom and Dad And I was
번역: Roseanne 현금. 블랙 캐딜락.
will be done My whole world fits inside the moment I saw you be reborn God is in the roses And that day was filled with roses God is in the roses and