Watch the ashes roll away The pain that I portray The emotions rage All black within Crawling on ice so thin Can you know who sees Within the carbon heart
strong Watch the ashes roll away The pain that I portray The emotions rage All black within Crawling on ice so thin Can you know who sees Within the carbon heart
comfortable because I will stab your heart if it?s profitable I?m saying, ?girl, your crying has got me so inspired, but can you keep it down so I can hear
So you thought without her it would be easy to live She wanted more than you were willing to give Ah, give and take and blame are all part of the flame
Batte il cuore e forse d'amore lui e fatto cosi un giorno forte e un'altro piu piano si e addormentato un po' Tu che mi guardi cosi che non ti fidi mai
Casomai ci ripensiamo siamo fatti cosi tu ti arricci, io i capricci, ma va bene cosi... o giu di li Rivestirsi, pettinarsi, e la fuori il via vai, via
and tuneless It's vile the way you smile for them There are limits you know! Students carve hearts out of coal Students carve hearts out of coal Students carve hearts
번역: 불안 하트. 불 좀 더 석탄.
My heart is in pain the feelings for you won't be the same My heart a diamond it won't be Black like coal, all you will see The pain from feelings of
: My heart is in pain the feelings for you won't be the same My heart a diamond it won't be Black like coal, all you will see The pain from feelings