've been missing Boy I can't wait till you come back home To have you all alone (As days go by) [Baby Bash:] Now as days go by My time is spent reflecting
번역: 베이비 배쉬. 데이스 (사랑 편지)\u200b\u200b로 가다로.
ve been missing Boy I can't wait till you come back home To have you all alone (As days go by) [Baby Bash:] Now as days go by My time is spent reflecting
keepin' food in the fridge (Answer) Don't ever judge a nigga by his dough He could be independent whether rich or poor As long as you know where all your money go
dukes keepin' food in the fridge (Answer) Don't ever judge a nigga by his dough He could be independent whether rich or poor As long as you know where all your money go
love you've been missing Boy I can't wait till you come back home To have you all alone (As days go by) [Baby Bash:] Now as days go by My time is spent