Written by Ozzy Osoburne From the band Black Sabbath Super animation, turning on a nation And they're saying all moving parts stand still Since he was
Make me a channel of your peace Where there is hatred let me bring Your love Where there is injury, your pardon Lord And where there is doubt, true faith
번역: 크리스티나 아길레라. 올 시즌에 대한 사랑 (경음악 트랙).
번역: 모든 천사. 나에게 평화의 채널 만들기.
번역: 디옹, 셀린. 자신 (경음악 트랙)의 모든.
번역: 도구. 모두가 살인자가되고 싶어.
번역: 도구. 모든 움직이는 부분 가만히.
Na loucura e no desatino Movimento luz e cor Esta no corpo do bailarino Esta na cara do ator Instrumentos do dom divino Instrumentos do criador Todos
: [Instrumental]
I've got two eyes. They spy every lie you hide between those lines. I've got two ears. They hear every cry you drown out with that noise. I've got