Hey darling You gonna twist and curl (Got to tell u ...) Hey darling (ah uh) Hey darling (have to tell you today) Hey darling (have to tell you ...) Hey
gonna twist and curl (Got to tell u ...) Hey darling Hey darling (have to tell you today) Hey darling (ah uh) Hey darling (have to tell you ...) Hey darling
번역: 기지 에이스. 달링 안녕하세요.
번역: 기지 에이스. 달링 안녕하세요 [브러너 버전].
번역: 기지 에이스. 버전 달링 안녕하세요.
You gonna twist and curl (Got to tell u ...) Hey darling Hey darling (have to tell you today) Hey darling (ah uh) Hey darling (have to tell you ...) Hey darling