악보 $2.75
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers. Leon Jessel. Handbell sheet music. Percussion sheet music.번역
나무 군인의 퍼레이드. 레온 Jessel. 핸드벨 악보. 타악기 악보.원본
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers composed by Leon Jessel. 1871-1942. Arranged by Vaccaro. For handbell choir. 3-5 octaves. Published by Fred Bock Music Company. JF.MFBJG0704. Use this march at Christmas or as a general concert piece.번역
레온 Jessel에 의해 구성 나무 군인의 퍼레이드. 1871년부터 1942년까지. Arranged by Vaccaro. 핸드벨 합창단. 3-5 옥타브. 프레드 복 음악 출판사. JF.MFBJG0704. Use this march at Christmas or as a general concert piece.인기 요청