The day delayed of that I most do wish. Richard Edwards. None, but may have been intended that the parts other than the first tenor. and possibly the soprano. should be used for accompaniment. Secular , Partsong. Language. English. SATTB.
The day delayed of that I most do wish. 리처드 에드워즈. None, but may have been intended that the parts other than the first tenor. and possibly the soprano. should be used for accompaniment. 세속적 인, Partsong. 언어. 영어. SATTB.
From an anonymous manuscript in the library of Christ Church, Oxford. Only the words of the first tenor part are set to the music in the manuscript. The work may be by Richard Edwards, as it is similar in style to some of his compositions and he included the poem by Vaux in his posthumous work "A Paradise of Dainty Devises".
From an anonymous manuscript in the library of Christ Church, Oxford. Only the words of the first tenor part are set to the music in the manuscript. The work may be by Richard Edwards, as it is similar in style to some of his compositions and he included the poem by Vaux in his posthumous work "A Paradise of Dainty Devises".